Casey Harkness Andrade
Guest Choreographer
Casey Harkness Andrade has been a professional choreographer, educator and performer for more than 10 years. She received her Bachelor of Arts in dance performance from Rhode Island College, where she trained and studied with exceptional choreographers such as Clay Talifaro, Sean Curran, and Mark Taylor. She continues her education at Broadway Dance Center in New York City, where she studies with Michelle Barber, Chio, Justin Boccittio, and Diana Laurenson. Her choreography has been recognized both regionally and nationally with numerous awards. While a member of the Andary Dance Company, Casey had the opportunity to perform at the Cunningham School in New York City. In 2011, Casey became an adjudicator and choreographer for the Elite Dance Challenge regional and national competition. Casey is an adjunct faculty member at Dean College and has been on faculty at the Franklin School for the Performing Arts since 2011 where she currently serves as Dance Director.